We did it.

We did it.

Nov 28th 2019

You know, I've always been a big believer in dreaming something up, planning it all out, and DOING it. It's easier said than done most times (especially when your turn time is under 3 months....). Guys, to say I am BLOWN AWAY by how my life team showed up to support this dream is an understatement and honestly, gives me chills. My team heard my *crazy* idea and DOVE in head first to make it happen. My friends? They stayed with me by my side until the bitter end....literally, at 2 am Wednesday night. My family? They helped in more ways than I can name -- keeping Knox (who has been sick for 2 weeks now...), helping move items & build-out the store, and my faithful mama, praying this project through! Tyler? I could write a list ten pages long of what that dude did to support me (hint: LOTS of heavy lifting, "projects," and dealing with tears). Gahhh. I am just so stinking blessed. We did it. I knew we would but MAN, there were days I didn't know if we could pull it off before this weekend. In fact, if you stood in Rosebuds last week, you would NOT think we'd be opening tomorrow. I'll share pictures later just to prove that point :-) So, this blog goes out to my TEAM for making Rosebuds happen for you all!! I don't know how I got so lucky!!!

Columbia, I can't wait for you to meet Rosebuds and see all of the new things in our spaces on Nifong Boulevard. If you can't make it in this weekend, select items in the promotion ring up automatically online. And, if shopping isn't your thing, go eat somewhere small this weekend to support the little guys!